Free Resources

Song Board

1. Select a Song: Encourage your child to actively participate in the song selection process by pointing to their favorite song choice. You can present a few options and ask them to point to the picture representing the song they want to sing.

2. Point and Sing: During the next session, gently guide your child's finger to point directly at the picture while singing the chosen song together. This interactive approach will help them associate the visuals with the lyrics and actions, enhancing their engagement and participation.

By making these slight adjustments, we create a more engaging and child-centered approach to the activity. Instead of the parent solely choosing the song, we empower the child to make a choice by pointing to their preferred song. Additionally, we emphasize the gentle guidance of the child's finger, allowing them to actively participate in pointing and singing.

Food Board

To facilitate a seamless and engaging mealtime experience with your child, we recommend implementing a simple yet effective strategy. Start by taking your child's finger and guiding them to point at the specific food item they wish to consume. Offer them one piece of the selected food. To request additional servings, encourage your child to point again at either the desired food or a designated picture sign for "more."

To establish a routine, introduce a visual cue such as a sign for "eat" to signify mealtime. This visual prompt will help your child understand when it is appropriate to begin eating. For children who have not yet developed sign language skills, you can substitute the sign by having them point at the designated sign for "eat."

For children who utilize sign language, it is important to foster their communication skills. Encourage them to use the sign for "more" to express their desire for additional food. By utilizing signs, your child will feel empowered and capable of effectively communicating their needs and preferences during mealtime.